BUT I BOUNCED BACK, and using all the tools in my toolbelt I turned a few hard years into my best years, rebuilding my body AND my business better than before!

I learnt some hard lessons and put those lessons to work.....
  • I upleveled my self care and wellness habits to avoid future burnout,
  • I got strategic about creating my ideal wellness lifestyle to create balance and harmony between work, love and play
  • and redesigned my business to work for me, not me for it. 

Yoga Teacher,
Personal Trainer,
Biomechanics & Corrective Exercise Specialist,
Nutrition, Sleep, Stress & Recovery (SSR) Coach
Passionate Entrepeneur

Hi there, I'm Karin

I'm also a women who got
  • HIT BY A BUS (literally!)
  • and a body part
  • My home's a shrine to my wellness goals and a place where I retreat and reboot.
  • I look forward to each day, knowing I can handle the ups and down of life as a solopreneur.
  • My work days flow with inspired, creative energy.
  • I look and feel the best I have in years.
  • i'm always reaching for bigger goals and living my best life.
  • I love my work - helping my clients TO step into a bigger and better version of themselves, EXPRESSING their full potential, and living a wildly successfUL life - on their terms. 

With 1:1 coaching and a clear, personalized roadmap I help my clients get into the best shape of their lives and:

I’m on a mission to inspire and empower my clients to build a sustainable (and enjoyable!) wellness lifestyle and achieve their health, fitness and wellness goals so they can perform at their best and LIVE A WILDLY SUCCESSFUL LIFE!


MAHA YOGA & wellness

  • lose body fat
  • build a lean, fit, flexible body that moves well
  • eat well for all day energy,
  • master sleep and stress for calm, focus and better mood
  • show up confident, creative and productive 
  • perform at their best 

It's January 2019 and I'm living my dream.  My beautiful new yoga studio on the North Shore of Maui had been open 6 months, and I'd just signed the lease on the space next door to build out a wellness center. 

I was busy - maybe a bit too busy - but loving life.  Opportunities abounded and I was so excited for what life was bringing.

Then one sunny Friday afternoon, I exited a blind corner and found a large school bus barreling headlong into my lane.  In a split second, my life changed and my dream turned into, what felt like for many years, a nightmare.

The thing about curveballs is we just
don't see them coming...... 

FROM LEMONS TO LEMONADE - How the worst 3 years of my life set the stage for the best to follow....

I won't lie... it was tough going for a few years...
Complications led to medications which led to more complications.  Trying to navigate running a business full time and constant doctors visits and tests, all during a global pandemic led to a total collapse. 

After almost 2 years of struggle and with strong recommendations from my doctors, I made the heart breaking decision to close my businesses and focus on my health.

I chose to "lose" one battle in order to win the "war".  I had the (life saving) surgery. I turned to my yoga practice, to Ayurvedic Principles and Practices, to deep rest, to self care and recovered well. 

My journey had come with some hard lessons, deep insights and clarity about how I wanted to move forward.  I used my recovery time to go back to school to study nutrition and health coaching, knowing they were the perfect fit to my years of experience in yoga and fitness training.

I firmly believe that being healthy and well is the best investment we can make in our business and our lives to navigate challenges and set ourselves up for success.

When we are healthy, strong, vibrant, energized and resilient, anything is possible.


Ayurvedic Daily Massage Oil, Essential Oils, Epsom Salt Baths, Tongue Scraper, Foot rubs, a heating pad, morning walks with my dog

self care MUST HAVE'S

HUGGING! humans, animals, trees...
hugging styles are a thing you know! 

Yoga Mat, resistance bands, Pilates Ball, Nutrition Apps, my home gym, my spotify playlists and LOTS of podcasts!

i am big on..

fitness favourites

My husband and 6 fur babies!  

Good Coffee! Slow mornings, a big cuppa joe and snuggling my fur babies are my medicine.

crazy about

can't live without

Get to know me better....

Fast facts. . .

running yoga teacher trainings

10 years

in the health and wellness industry 

as an entrepeneur

20 years

25 years

years young - but who's counting!


in yoga, personal training,advanced biomechanics, NUTRITION & health & wellness coaching

9 certifications

A passionate entrepeneur since my early 20’S, I graduated, in my LBY (Life-Before-Yoga), with a degree in Marketing and Sales Management., successfully running my own Events Management company before eventually finding my way to my yoga mat in 2001. I knew my life was about to change.

In 2004 I graduated with a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training, opened my first studio and over the next 20 years managed and owned more studios while continuing my studies in yoga, personal training, corrective exercise, nutrition and health coaching.  

But before arriving in the "Rainbow State" (Hawaii) I called the "Rainbow Nation" (South Africa) home. 

Living on the magical island of Maui I get to live my dream life running my small but purpose driven business......


coming from A FAMILY OF TEACHERS AND YOGINI'S i was introduced to yoga and ayurveda by my grandmothers who planted a seed that came to fruition much later.

I  find inspiration in my practice, listening to my student's and client's stories of struggle and success, being in nature, through art and music, meeting people from all around the world and travelling with my best bud, my Mum.

In my free time you will find me walking on the beach, at a local coffee shop with my students, pottering in the garden, chilling by a pool, trying to become a better baker and figuring out the tech of running an online business!

Medical Disclaimer
This content (on www.karin-kuhn.com) and in marketing emails from Karin Kuhn Wellness is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors, nutritionists and/or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Karin Kuhn Wellness nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.